by Sandra Mertens | Dec 14, 2021 | GCK on Law
Offers in Compromise (“Offers”) remain a vital form of relief for taxpayers who cannot afford to pay their IRS taxes in full. Offers are governed by a strict program whereby qualifying taxpayers may attempt to settle their debt to the IRS based on doubt as to...
by Sandra Mertens | Mar 22, 2021 | GCK on Law
2020 Federal Income Tax Extension On March 17, 2021, the IRS announced that the due date for individuals to file their 2020 federal income tax returns (e.g., Form 1040, 1040-EZ) will be automatically extended from April 15, 2021 to May 17, 2021. Individual taxpayers...
by Sandra Mertens | Feb 17, 2021 | GCK on Law
In March 2020, the federal government passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) which provided a refundable tax credit for eligible self-employed individuals who were unable to work or telework because they or a family member had COVID-19. The tax...
by Sandra Mertens | Apr 20, 2020 | GCK on Law
On March 27, 2020, the CARES Act became law, creating and allocating $349 billion to the new “Paycheck Protection Program” (“PPP”) administered by the Small Business Association (“SBA”). The PPP allowed small businesses and sole proprietors to apply for loans...
by Sandra Mertens | Apr 16, 2020 | GCK on Law
During this lengthy period of isolation and social distancing, many are struggling financially who will benefit from the government’s most recent stimulus package arising from COVID-19, designated “Economic Impact Payments.” Here are some of the most frequently asked...